SOQUEM’s strength

Highlighting and reconciling the team’s knowledge are important aspects for the organization. The implementation of the strategic plan requires the commitment and mobilization of the team, because together, we will go further!

Mission and history

SOQUEM is a leader in Quebec’s mineral exploration industry. As a subsidiary of Investissement Québec, its mission is to promote the exploration, discovery, and development of the province’s mineral resources. And through its partnered projects, SOQUEM leverages the Quebec mineral exploration industry.

Since its foundation, SOQUEM has helped maintain a strong economy in Quebec’s mining regions. The company’s exploration work has led to the discovery and operation of numerous deposits.

SOQUEM has managed to reach its objectives throughout the years by designing its own business model. Partnering with various exploration companies and diversifying its portfolio of shareholdings is the key to overcoming cyclical economic constraints. SOQUEM thus maximizes return on its assets and minimizes risks by joining forces with partners to develop its projects.

SOQUEM becomes a subsidiary of Ressources Québec, which is itself a subsidiary of Investissement Québec.
Relocation of SOQUEM’s head office in Val-d’Or, at the heart of one of the most important mining regions in Quebec.
Creation of SODEMEX by SOQUEM, a development fund for junior exploration companies.
Privatization of many of SOQUEM’s productive assets that led to the creation of Cambior, which then became IAMGOLD.
Creation of SOQUEM by decree by René Lévesque, then minister of Jean Lesage’s Liberal government.

Executive management

Donna Kirkwood


Donna Kirkwood est conseillère auprès d’organisations publiques et privées sur le positionnement stratégique, la conception et la gestion de programmes et de politiques scientifiques, technologiques et d’innovation. Elle est active sur la scène nationale et internationale, a siégé à de nombreux comités directeurs scientifiques et universitaires ainsi que des comités consultatifs pour des organismes subventionnaires et réseaux scientifiques. Elle siège sur les conseils du British Geological Survey et d’ArcticNet en tant qu’administratrice indépendante. 


Donna a été scientifique en chef à Ressources naturelles Canada de 2016 à 2019 où elle a renforcé les liens entre la science et la politique sur les ressources naturelles et l’environnement, et a fourni des conseils sur les questions transversales en science, capacité et communication. Auparavant, elle a été cadre à la Commission géologique du Canada et première femme DG de 2010 à 2015, positionnant la commission comme une organisation scientifique gouvernementale de premier plan. Avant de se joindre au gouvernement fédéral, Donna a été professeure titulaire de géosciences à l’Université Laval, à Québec, où elle a développé pendant 12 ans des programmes de recherche novateurs, collaboratifs et inclusifs et reçu de nombreux prix pour la qualité de son enseignement. 


Donna détient un doctorat en géosciences, est formée en leadership, gestion de la fonction publique et gouvernance et est membre de l’Ordre des Géologues du Québec. Elle supporte avec vigueur les causes liées aux femmes en STIMs.

Michel Champagne

Independent director

Michel Champagne holds a Master of Science degree from Université Laval (1982) and a BSc from Université de Montréal (1978). From 1978 to 1980 and from 1982 to 1986, he worked in mineral exploration in Quebec for SOQUEM and acquired experience in underground exploration with Louvem. During this time, Mr. Champagne led the team that discovered the main zone of the Chimo mine and the Monique deposit, both of which were developed and mined in the following years. From 1986 to 1995, he worked at the Montréal Exchange as chief geologist and analyst, gaining experience in the securities industry. From 1995 to 2000, he worked first in Corporate development with Freewest Resources Inc. and Murgor Resources Inc., then mainly with Pangea Goldfields Inc. as Exploration Manager for Latin America, where he managed their Peruvian subsidiary. The subsidiary outlined two deposits, one that has been exploited sporadically and the other being at the feasibility stage. In 2001, he helped establish the SIDEX Limited Partnership and continued to lead the institutional fund until his retirement in 2020.

The Fonds de Solidarité FTQ recruited Mr. Champagne in 2020 to sit on its Mining Sector Investment Committee.

Mr. Champagne was a member of the Mining Technical Advisory and Monitoring Committee, a group of professionals representing the Canadian mining industry, responsible for overseeing the application of National Instrument 43-101 and advising Canadian securities regulators on its application. He also sat on advisory committees for the TSX Venture Exchange at the local and national levels and the Mining Advisory Committee of the Autorité des Marchés Financiers. For many years, Mr. Champagne has been involved in various activities related to the mining industry for such organizations as the Quebec Mineral Exploration Association and the Geological Association of Canada.

Robert Marquis

Independent Director

Robert Marquis is an associate professor at the Mine and Environment Institute of the University of Quebec in Abitibi-Témiscamingue (IRME / UQAT). Member of « l’Ordre des géologues du Québec », M. Marquis holds a doctorate, a master’s degree and a bachelor’s degree. His professional career is marked by partnership and networking at the junction between the mining and education sectors.

Marquis began his professional career at SOQUEM. Subsequently, he held various positions at the Ministry of Natural Resources; first as a geologist, then as a department manager, and lastly as director and general manager of « Géologie Québec ». In 2011, he was appointed Associate Deputy Minister for the Mining Sector and in 2013, President and Chief Executive Officer of the National Institute of Mining. He left this position in December 2018.

Marquis has been on the board of SIDEX for more than 10 years and, more recently, at Tata Steel Minerals Canada. He also chairs the Board of Directors of the Center of Excellence on Strategic Metals Elements 08, which brings together three institutions of teaching and research; the University of Quebec in Abitibi-Témiscamingue (UQAT), the CEGEP of Abitibi-Témiscamingue and the Industrial Waste Technology Center (CTRI).


Geneviève Castonguay


Ms. Castonguay has more than 20 years of experience in Quebec organizations as a manager and chartered accountant. Graduated in 1999 with the BAA from the École des Hautes études commerciales, she is a member of the Order of Chartered Professional Accountants of Quebec.

Her professional experience makes her an attentive and creative manager. She joined Investissement Québec in 2014 and holds the position of Senior Director, Accounting and Operations. In addition of the board of directors of SOQUEM and other organizations, she is also President of its audit committee.

Lise Chénard

Independent Director

Mme. Chénard possède plus de 40 ans d’expérience dans le secteur minier. Détentrice d’un baccalauréat en Génie Géologique de l’Université Laval (1980), son expertise s’appuie sur une vaste expérience en géologie d’exploitation minière, en supervision technique de projets avancés, d’audits des ressources et réserves minérales, de participation à des études techniques de projets miniers au Québec et à l’international.

De 1980 à 2001, elle a travaillé au Québec pour différentes opérations minières aurifères et de métaux de base où elle a occupé le poste de géologue en chef durant plusieurs années.

De 2001 à 2005, elle a occupé le poste de conseillère technique pour des projets de l’ACDI en renforcement institutionnel du secteur minier en Bolivie et au Pérou. De 2006 à 2013 elle a œuvré à l’international pour Barrick Gold ainsi qu’à titre de consultante indépendante sur divers projets miniers.

De 2013 jusqu’à sa retraite en 2021, elle a occupé le poste de Directrice principale géologie minière et de conseillère technique principale pour IAMGOLD.

Jean-François Béland


Jean-François Béland was appointed Vice-President of Ressources Québec at Investissement Québec in 2021.

From 2015 to 2021, he applied his management expertise in the cleantech sector as Vice-President, Strategy and Corporate Affairs at General Fusion Inc., based in Vancouver, British Columbia. From 2007 to 2015, he was employed by AREVA S.A. in Paris and Toronto, chiefly as Executive Vice-President of AREVA Canada Inc. Before he launched his career path in the private sector, Mr. Béland gained extensive experience in the Canadian civil service and in the Office of the Prime Minister of Canada as an advisor on governance policies and the Treasury Board of Canada.
Mr. Béland is a graduate of Université de Montréal (B.Sc.), École nationale d’administration publique (MPA and post-graduate diploma in public administration), École des hautes études commerciales (post-graduate diploma in management), Bordeaux École de Management (MBA), Université Paris IX Dauphine (M.Sc., strategic management) and University of British Columbia (project management certificate). In 2014, he completed the Senior Nuclear Plant Management course (SNPM).

Mr. Béland is a Knight [Chevalier] of the National Order of the French Legion of Honour and a member of the Advisory Board of the Gina Cody School of Engineering and Computer Science, Concordia University. He also sits on the Board of Directors of the Fondation du Collège de Montréal.

Board of directors

Tony Brisson

P. geo, President & CEO

With a bachelor’s degree in geology from the Université du Québec à Chicoutimi , Mr. Brisson has held several senior positions with exploration and mining companies in Quebec, Ontario and North Africa.

A member of the Order of Geologists of Quebec, Mr. Brisson has more than 30 years of experience in precious and base metal exploration. He has worked for several companies, notably Goldcorp, Focus Metals, Cogitore Resources, Breakwater Resources and Cambior. In 2009, he was part of a team at Cogitore Resources that was awarded the Prospector of the Year Award from the Quebec Mineral Exploration Association for the Scott Lake Project.

From 2015 to 2021, he has been an exploration consultant for junior and major mining companies in Quebec and Ontario. He is President & CEO at SOQUEM since 2021. Mr. Brisson has served on the boards of Opus One Resources Inc. and Radisson Mining Resources Inc . He has been a member of the Board of Directors of the Quebec Mineral Exploration Association in 2020, where he also served from 2008 to 2012. He now serve on the Board of Elements08.

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Catherine Jalbert

P. Geo, Vice President

Ms. Jalbert holds a bachelor’s degree in Geology from Laval University in Québec and is a member of the Order of Geologists of Quebec.

She began her career with InnovExplo, a consulting firm, where she worked mainly in Quebec, but also elsewhere in Canada and Ivory Coast. Then, she worked as the Exploration manager at Radisson Mining Resources.

Ms. Jalbert joined SOQUEM in 2018 as a Senior project manager. She held the position of Exploration Manager of Val-d’Or’s office since May 2021. Ms. Jalbert has been promoted as Vice president in October 2022.

She was an active member of the Board of Directors of the Order of Geologists of Quebec from 2017 to 2020.

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Gabrielle Rochefort

P. Eng., Exploration Manager

Ms. Rochefort holds a bachelor’s degree in geological engineering from the Université du Québec à Chicoutimi.

Prior to joining SOQUEM in January 2013, she worked as a geological assistant for the Ministry of Energy and Natural Resources and GeoNordic Technical Services.

Ms. Rochefort is a member of the Quebec Order of Engineers and the Prospectors and Developers Association of Canada, and is Chair of the Board of Directors of the CIM’s Chapais-Chibougamau branch.

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Annie Tourangeau

Controller, CPA

Member of the Order of Professional Accountants of Quebec since 1997, Ms. Tourangeau holds a bachelor’s degree in accounting sciences from the University of Quebec in Abitibi-Témiscamingue.

Employed by SOQUEM since April 2019, she first held a position of senior accountant, before being promoted to controller in July 2020.

She previously held jobs in the mining industry, including senior accounting positions for Eldorado Gold, Lamaque division from 2016 to 2019 and for Iamgold (Cambior) from 1996 to 2009.

She has also held various accounting positions as controller, administrative director and accountant in construction companies from 2009 to 2016.